Issue 3
2021ISSN 2562-7708
Dear Reader,
Thank you for your interest in the Kwantlen Psychology Student Journal (KPSJ). With the publication of our third annual issue, we are confident the journal has a solid foundation and will continue to serve as a showcase for the outstanding work of KPU Psychology students for years to come. At the same time, KPSJ continues to provide students with valuable experience as editors, reviewers, and authors. Of course, it is the countless hours of work by our dedicated student and faculty KPSJ team, and the rigorous scholarly work of the student authors, that make this publication possible.
In this third issue of KPSJ you will find outstanding work on a variety of topics, including memory and learning, persuasion, and sexuality and gender, as well as topical work related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We invite you to explore the variety of empirical reports, analytical papers, and academic posters. All work published in KPSJ has undergone peer review by a student and a faculty member of the review team. All research involving human participants has approval from KPU’s Research Ethics Board. This year, we were fortunate to have a practicum student join our team. We would like to thank Ekjot Bhullar for his contributions to this issue. We hope that this experience will support his research as he moves forward in the field. Of course, instructors and faculty supervisors play a critical role in the students’ work. For all work completed for course requirements, we have opted to give acknowledgements to instructors for their important contributions; faculty members are only included as co-authors for honours theses and extracurricular research.
We would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the KPU Open Education team, led by Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani, for their ongoing support. We also extend our sincere thanks to Karen Meijer-Kline, KPU Librarian, for her valuable support with the Online Journal System. In addition, we want to express appreciation to our colleagues in the Psychology Department for their strong support of this initiative. Finally, very special thanks go to Amanda Dumoulin, our first and only Journal Manager. It is fair to say that her tireless work, extensive expertise, and effective leadership have made publication of KPSJ possible.
We are very excited to bring you the work of yet another group of promising young scholars – the authors, and those behind the scenes. Many of these students will continue on in psychology, and we expect these are the first of many contributions they will make in the field. If you are a student, we hope you will be inspired to follow their lead and submit your work for publication in future issues of KPSJ.
Please enjoy this issue of KPSJ!
Arleigh J Reichl, PhD
Faculty Advisor, KPSJ -
Issue 5
2023ISSN 2562-7708
Dear Reader,
Thank you for your interest in the 5th annual issue of the Kwantlen Psychology Student Journal (KPSJ). Through the inspiration and motivation of Dr. Arleigh Reichl, the journal published its first issue in 2018. The KPSJ is an open journal that provides students a platform to showcase the exceptional work that they completed either within their courses or through their work in a lab during their undergraduate studies. The journal also provides a unique opportunity for students to gain scholarly experience through reviewing submissions or leadership experience in roles such as journal manager or chief copyeditor.
This issue includes a variety of empirical articles and posters, as well as theoretical papers. These pieces cover topics such as: gender, teamwork, practicum experience, and sexuality. Student and faculty volunteers have worked collaboratively to review each one of the submissions. This process has provided experiential learning to the student reviewers and authors. Additionally, the published versions serve as documentation of the remarkable work that is done within the psychology department here at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
I would like to acknowledge the student and faculty volunteers who have dedicated many hours of work to keep the journal active and publishing each year. Additionally, I would like to thank the authors for submitting their pieces and working through the peer review process to address the feedback in a meaningful way. I would also like to thank the faculty who continue to encourage students to submit their work and volunteer with the journal; this encouragement has been essential to the success of the KPSJ. The KPSJ team is always grateful for the continued support of Karen Meijer-Kline, KPU Librarian, with the Online Journal System. Finally, a special thank you to Brandon Justus, who stepped up as journal manager this year; his hard work and leadership allowed for this issue to be published.
I hope you enjoy this 5th issue. Please share with your peers and consider becoming involved in the journal as an author, a volunteer, or both.
Happy reading!
Dr. Patricia Coburn
KPSJ Faculty Supervisor -
Issue 2
2020ISSN 2562-7708
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the second issue of the Kwantlen Psychology Student Journal (KPSJ). After the successful publication of our inaugural issue in 2019, the challenge was whether we could continue our mission of showcasing the outstanding work of KPU Psychology students, and providing students with valuable experience as editors, reviewers, and authors. I am exceptionally pleased and proud to report that we have not only met this challenge, we have seen KPSJ grow and expand. The number of successful submissions has doubled, and we now include empirical research posters as well. We have also attracted additional students to join KPSJ as reviewers and journal advisors. The countless hours of work by our dedicated student and faculty KPSJ team, and of course the rigorous scholarly work of the student authors, make this publication possible.
In this second issue of KPSJ you will find outstanding work on a variety of topics, including memory, psychological disorders, gender, social influence, and culture. There is a mix of analytical papers and reports of empirical research. All papers and posters published in KPSJ have undergone peer review, in most cases by a student and a faculty member of the editorial team. All research involving human participants has approval from KPU’s Research Ethics Board. Of course, instructors and faculty supervisors play a critical role in the work of the students. For all work completed as course requirements, we have opted to give acknowledgements to instructors for their important contributions; faculty members are only included as co-authors for extracurricular research. We would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the KPU Open Education team, and Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani, for their ongoing support. We also extend our sincere thanks to Karen Meijer-Kline, KPU Librarian, for her valuable support with the Online Journal System. Last, but not least, special thanks to our Journal Manager, Amanda Dumoulin, who makes it all possible.
We are very excited to bring you the work of these promising young scholars – the authors, and those behind the scenes. Many of these students will continue on in psychology, and we expect these are the first of many more contributions they will make in the field. If you are a student, we hope you will be inspired to follow their lead, and submit your work for publication in future issues of KPSJ.
Please enjoy this issue of KPSJ!
Arleigh J Reichl
Issue 4
2022ISSN 2562-7708
Dear Reader,
Thank you for your interest in this year’s publication.
The Kwantlen Psychology Student Journal (KPSJ) published its first issue in July 2018. It was established under the guidance of Dr. Arleigh Reichl and materialized due to the efforts of dedicated students. The journal aims to highlight some of the excellent work by psychology students. It publishes exemplary empirical articles, analytical papers, and research posters that students complete as part of their coursework. The paramount aim of the journal is to provide students with an opportunity to learn firsthand about the publishing process. Student authors receive thorough feedback from student and faculty reviewers and work diligently to finetune their work for publication. Student reviewers meet regularly with faculty to review, copyedit, and prepare the submissions for publication. The journal is an excellent opportunity for students to gain a unique scholarly experience and add to their leadership strengths. The remarkable team of students, under the guidance of dedicated faculty, have kept the journal moving at full speed through pandemic waves and restrictions. The student's willingness to adapt and ability to stay motivated has brought this journal to its fourth successful issue.
We are grateful for the tremendous support the journal has received from students and faculty. We would also like to thank the KPU Open Education team, led by Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani, for their ongoing support, as well as Karen Meijer-Kline, KPU Librarian, for her continued support with the Online Journal System.
This year’s issue consists of a diverse range of topics including social persuasion, critical thinking, and social cognition, as well as applied psychology topics. The quality of the submissions represents the hard work and commitment of students, both authors and KPSJ volunteers; a reflection of the psychology department at KPU. The quality of the journal reflects strong student leadership, such as that demonstrated by the journal’s manager and chief editor, Amanda Dumoulin. Members of the KPSJ team are confident that Amanda and Dr. Reichl have provided a foundation which will support many more successful publications.
We look forward to new student submissions and additions to the KPSJ team and we hope that you enjoy this year’s issue.
Patricia Coburn, PhD
Faculty Advisor, KPSJ -
Issue 6
2024ISSN 2562-7708
Dear Reader,
Thank you for your interest in the Kwantlen Psychology Student Journal. The journal is dedicated to highlighting the extraordinary work students complete within the department. Our sixth issue includes a variety of formats (empirical papers, analytical papers, and research posters) and a range of topics including Methodology, Social Psychology, Cognition, Human Sexuality, and more! The KPSJ published its first issue under the leadership of Dr. Arleigh Reichl in 2019 and since then the Team has succeeded in publishing an annual issue that includes examples of students’ knowledge, skill, and dedication. Each year I feel a renewed sense of pride to belong to a community of such hard-working students; the success of this journal depends on students’ willingness to see their piece through the publication process. I want to thank those students who submitted this year and previous years for representing the KPU Psychology department in such a meaningful way. I hope that the process was a valuable learning experience, and the final product is something that all authors are proud of.
Each year the journal is supported by a handful of very hard-working students. I am immensely honoured to have worked with these students over the years. These students do phenomenal work reviewing and providing feedback on the submissions so that student authors may publish the best version of their papers. The student reviewers are bright, thoughtful, professional, and dedicated. Many of the reviewers move on to take on leadership roles on the journal. Our journal would not be possible without the unwavering support of our journal manager this year, Jessa Davies. Jessa has been an organized and skillful leader. She brought with her years of experience as copyeditor which helped to make operations run smoothly. This year the journal was also supported by the great work of a practicum student, Nika Grigor. Nika completed most of the practicum through copyediting, a role that is sometimes hard to fill but essential to publication. Thank you, Nika!
The journal requires faculty members to recommend students’ work. The KPSJ Team would like to thank the faculty for their support which ensures the ongoing success of the journal. The Team is also very grateful to the dedicated faculty who serve as reviewers and work closely with students to help them through the reviewing process.
We hope that you enjoy this year’s issue. Students, please consider getting involved as reviewers, authors, or both!
Patricia Coburn, PhD
Faculty Advisor, KPSJ -
Inaugural Issue
2019ISSN 2562-7708
Dear Reader,
Thank you for your interest in the Kwantlen Psychology Student Journal (KPSJ). This journal began with the idea of showcasing the exceptional work of psychology undergraduates at KPU and, in the process, providing students with valuable experience as editors, reviewers, and authors. This publication is the culmination of countless hours of work by our dedicated student and faculty KPSJ team, and of course the rigorous scholarly work of the student authors.
In this inaugural issue of KPSJ you will find outstanding work on a variety of topics, including cognition, sexuality, persuasion, and motivation. In addition to four empirical honours projects, there is a critical review paper and a paper presenting an application of theory and research. All papers published in KPSJ have undergone peer review, in most cases by a student and a faculty member of the editorial team. All research involving human participants has approval from KPU’s Research Ethics Board. Of course, instructors and faculty supervisors play a vital role in the work of the students. Whereas honours supervisors are included as authors, we have opted to give acknowledgements to instructors for their important contributions. We would also like to gratefully acknowledge receipt of an Open Educational Resources Grant from KPU, and express our appreciation to Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani for encouraging and supporting our application.
We are excited to bring you the work of these promising young scholars. Many intend to pursue further study in psychology, so you may be reading the early work of tomorrow’s leading scholars and practitioners. If you are a student, we hope you will be inspired to follow their lead, and submit your work for publication in future issues of KPSJ.
Please enjoy this issue of KPSJ!
Arleigh J Reichl