Experiences and Understanding of Screencast Feedback on Written Reports in the Bachelor Pharmacy


  • Jet van der Zijden Utrecht University
  • Judith Scheerens Utrecht University
  • Lindy Wijsman Utrecht University


feedback, screencast, video, writing skills


Screencasts are existing teaching tools which allow recording of the computer screen while adding audio. To investigate whether screencasts might be a promising method to provide students with feedback on written assignments, screencast feedback was provided on a written assignment in a first year’s course of the Bachelor Pharmacy at Utrecht University. The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of both students and teachers with, and student’s understanding of screencast feedback on written reports. Individual interviews (n=9) were conducted to explore the experiences and understanding of students. Teachers’ experiences were explored in a focus group interview. The results show that students especially valued the feedback quality, multimodality, and personal feeling of screencast feedback. Understanding of the screencast feedback in terms of ability to explain the feedback in own words, translate it to adaptations in the report, and translate it to adaptations in future assignments was satisfying to good. Teachers, however, were less positive and experienced screencast feedback as time consuming, uncomfortable and it did not match their beliefs about effective feedback.

Hence, although screencasts seem to facilitate giving effective feedback through the possibility for specific and personalized feedback, it remains difficult to choose a feedback method that fits everyone and every situation. The specific contextual conditions and personal preferences should be considered before choosing which feedback method to apply.






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