Nursing Leadership Student Journal en-US Nursing Leadership Student Journal <p>All papers are published under the CC-NC-ND license&nbsp;</p> Nursing Leadership and Conflict Michelle Robichaud Copyright (c) 2018 Michelle Robichaud 2018-10-30 2018-10-30 The Role of Transformational Leadership in Successful Change Management <p>Change is a common occurrence in healthcare, therefore managing such change is an important quality of any nurse leader.&nbsp; Transformational leadership is discussed in the context of improving the success of change outcomes.&nbsp; An example of needed change on a hospital unit is given, which outlines how transformational leadership and improved change management skills could have led to success.</p> Larissa Pals Copyright (c) 2018 Larissa Pals 2018-12-18 2018-12-18 Authentic Leadership Theory: Exemplifying Self-Awareness, Character and Transparency in Nursing Leadership <p>According to Sagnak and Kuruoz (2017) authenticity is established when one maintains their intrinsic values and beliefs in all aspects of their life, therefore their values, beliefs, attitudes and self-identity shapes their actions.Authentic leadership encompasses four areas. These include, self-awareness which is understanding one’s strengths, limitations, and values and how they affect others (Azanza, Moriano, &amp; Molero, 2013). Balanced processing, which encourages analyzing all relevant information from differing views before making a decision (Azanza et. al., 2013). Relational transparency which is openly sharing the authentic self by sharing knowledge, displaying openness with true thoughts, feelings, and trust (Sagnak &amp; Kuruoz, 2017). Finally, internalized moral perspective, which is self-regulation by guiding actions with moral standards and values (Sagnak &amp; Kuruoz, 2017) (Azanza et. al., 2013). Studies have shown that authentic leadership is positively associated with increased employee job performance, increased job satisfaction, and improved work engagement through honest and transparent relationships with employees (Azanza et. al., 2013). Authentic leaders display fairness, justice, empathy, respect, trustworthiness, reliability, and believability (Waite, McKinney, Smith-Glasgow, &amp; Meloy, 2014). For this paper I will research into the background and history of authentic leadership theory, provide an in depth analysis and explanation of the concepts of authentic leadership, and finally include an application regarding relevance to nursing leadership and personal practice.</p> Nithya Hilson Copyright (c) 2018 Nithya Hilson 2018-12-18 2018-12-18 Empowerment as a Strategy to Combat Horizontal Violence <p>Horizontal violence can take on various forms within the healthcare system including workplace bullying, incivility, hostility, and other forms of disruptive behaviours towards a fellow nurse (Egues &amp; Leinung, 2013; Lachman, 2014; Myers et al., 2016). This type of violence can have lasting negative effects on the nurse experiencing such attitudes and behaviours, including feelings of powerlessness, fearfulness to continue to work, burnout, decreased morale, and a lessened sense of worth leading to feelings of regret for their chosen career path (Taylor &amp; Taylor, 2017; Myers et al., 2016). It can also have drastic effects on patient outcomes and overall care, as horizontal violence can lead to patient complaints towards the care being given, increases in errors, and job dissatisfaction that can be felt and recognized by the patient (Egues &amp; Leinung, 2013). Although horizontal violence is a growing issue within the nursing field, an even bigger concern is the acceptance of such behaviours as being a part of the job of nursing. Studies have suggested that when nurses are faced or are witnesses to aggressive behaviours from fellow co-workers, they do not recognize it as being a form of horizontal violence, further perpetuating the acceptance of such behaviours (Sellers, Millenbach, Kovach &amp; Yingling, 2009-2010; Sellers, Millenbach, Ward &amp; Scribani, 2012; Taylor &amp; Taylor, 2017). Recognition of the types of bullying-like behaviours, as well as developing a strategy that allows for nurses within the organization to feel positively empowered rather than negatively dissatisfied and developing a desire to leave the workforce, are important steps in eradicating this devastating culture that exists within nursing.</p> Fatima Shah Copyright (c) 2018 Fatima Shah 2018-12-18 2018-12-18 Empathy and Qualities such as Mindfulness and Courage Needed for Effective Nurse Leadership Avneet Dhesi Copyright (c) 2018 Avneet Dhesi 2018-12-18 2018-12-18 Nursing Leadership for Mental Health and Addictions Healthcare <p>An investigation of&nbsp;nursing&nbsp;leadership roles for harm reduction, mitigating stigma, and improving client outcomes in the context of&nbsp;Canadian mental health and addictions healthcare.</p> Megan Delleman Copyright (c) 2018 Megan Delleman 2018-12-18 2018-12-18 Leadership Styles and Factors in Effective Staff Motivation <p>Leadership styles and motivational theory have been extensively studied, and the effective application of them in leadership roles will influence the future of nursing. Through this review, the primary autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire styles of leadership are outlined and analyzed for their use to nursing in various situational and staff management contexts. As a primary role of leadership, motivational theory and the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are considered. These factors, along with effective leadership, are presented as essential tools for unlocking workforce potential.</p> Taylor Coft Copyright (c) 2018 Taylor Coft 2018-12-18 2018-12-18 Implications of Effective Leadership Qualities within Clinical Settings Kyuhi Chloe Kim Copyright (c) 2018 Kyuhi Chloe Kim 2018-12-18 2018-12-18 Nurse Leadership Behaviors that Improve Patient Care and Reduce Burnout <p>A review of the current literature exploring the relationship between nurse leader behaviors and styles with nurses experiencing burnout and patients reporting&nbsp;dissatisfaction with care. Burnout can be both physically and mentally draining which takes a toll not only on the nurses themselves, but also the patients they care for as well. It is especially important to ensure that new nursing graduates do not experience nurse burnout since they are at the start of their careers with other life stressors already. Nurse leaders will have to learn to adopt positive nurse leader behaviors in order to build trust, decrease the workload and decrease the chances of exhaustion and job dissatisfaction for the nurses. Upon research, the literature suggests that transformational leadership styles, authentic leadership styles and empowering leadership behaviors are effective ways to promote health amongst nurses to prevent burnout and improve patient outcomes.</p> Samantha Ma Copyright (c) 2018 Samantha Ma 2018-12-18 2018-12-18