A Beautiful Festival
review and report on the 2024 Sundar Prize Film Festival
A review and report on the Sundar Prize Film Festival, a social justice festival that selected beautiful films which aligned with the festival mission statement: celebrate human resiliance. The review is from the perspective of Ian Frayne: a member of the Sundar Prize Planning commitee, practice-led researcher, and filmmaker. The Sundar Prize featured nine filmes that are breifly reviewed, putting the main focus on the process of how the festival was planned to support filmmakers, film spectators, and social activists. Examining the festival with looks behind the scenes and viewing the festival, the review seeks to contribute to the research around film festivals, particularity to present how this festival handled the “responsibilities of programmers to their creative profession, the filmmakers whose work they showcase" (Colta 128). The review features answers questions about film festival studies and how it applies to the Sundar Prize festival, Ian's experience working on the Inagural festival, how the day to day of the festival ran, what was the history behind of the festival's conception, and reflections on how the festival could be applied in other locations.